IBM Rational Build Forge by A Better Solution, Inc.

IBM Rational Build Forge Rational Build Forge

IBM Rational Build Forge ™ is an adaptive process execution framework that automates, orchestrates, manages, and tracks all the processes between each handoff within the assembly line of software development, creating an automated software factory. Rational Build Forge integrates into your current environment and supports major development languages, scripts, tools, and platforms; allowing you to continue to use your existing investments while adding valuable capabilities around process automation, acceleration, notification, and scheduling.

IBM Rational Build Forge provides complete build and release process management through an open framework that helps development teams standardize, automate tasks and share information.

Build Forge can help clients accelerate software delivery, improve software quality, as well as meet audit and compliance mandates.

Build Forge provides a management layer on top of your existing build scripts, batch files, and other processes. No new proprietary scripting languages are needed and no throw-away work! As a result, you are up and running in a matter of days.

Take the guesswork out of build processes

IBM Rational Build Forge automates, orchestrates, manages, and tracks all processes between each handoff within the assembly line of software development, creating an automated software factory.

Integrates into your current environment and supports major development languages, scripts, tools, and platforms.

Main Jobs Results Screen
IBM Build Forge - Main Jobs Result Screen
Advanced Step Types
IBM Build Forge - Advanced Step Types
IBM Build Forge - Dashboard

(Click for full size images)

Automate software delivery across the lifecycle

ABS provides IBM Rational Build Forge Consulting Services

A Better Solution, Inc. provides seasoned IBM Certified Rational Build Forge Consultants with the experience of many Build Forge installations to draw upon. View some of our consultants that provide exceptional Rational Build Forge Consulting Services.

You can request or inquire about our IBM Rational Build Forge Services here or email us at
Team Concert
ClearCase ClearQuest Build Forge DOORS
Next Generation
UrbanCode Envizi
  IBM Rational Build Forge
IBM Rational Build Forge

You can always see a list of available IBM Certified Rational Build Forge Consultants
or see an overview of our IBM Rational Consulting Services.
IBM Rational Build Forge

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